Lockdown Tales
Sue and Peter Preen followed Forestry Commission advice to avoid driving in the New Forest enclosures during lockdown and Charlie had a rest but now they’re able to enjoy some of their favourite routes.
Sue Wiles has been busy at Highsteppers keeping the team fit
“When Lockdown happened everything changed for us. No extra grooms to help with exercising the team and for part of the time only myself able to work the horses, so ride-and-lead became the best way to tick the horses over. To give us a little bit of excitement we entered the ‘Virtual’ Royal Windsor Horse Show in May. We came 1st in the driving class, which put us forward to the Show Championship where we came 2nd, Reserve and were placed best turned out in the show”
Junior Whip Molly Turner used Lockdown to learn how to long-rein her (rescue) ridden pony Charlie.
There was an online challenge to send video footage of your horse or pony completing a long-rein test and showing five movements in-hand. Molly won her group, completing the in-hand aspect using her newly-learned join-up skills. Her prize was a made-to-measure browband.
“We really enjoyed learning our new skills. Join-up was challenging at times and practising my test in high winds kept us on our toes,” says Molly whose six-year-old sister Rose also won her class and is hoping in time to join in BDS activities.
Ann James
I have been driving Billy all through Lockdown. We were stopped one Sunday morning by the police who asked us where we were going, at the time we were walking and Terry was walking alongside. I replied that I was exercising the pony and my husband, the expression on the policeman’s face was a real picture. Billy is also ridden twice a week and has done two dressage competitions at BD Intro level.
I’ve just enjoyed reading your report and thought you would like to see what we have done. Sam, originally one of Joanne Hartland’s leaders has been reacquainted with driving single. We are taking it steady. Last weekend we had a back stepper on the carriage. My friend Anne lives alone so we have formed a social bubble with her and she comes every weekend so that we can progress the driving. He has been very good. There are no photos of me driving as everyone has a job and their hands full!
I did enjoy Gary Docking’s evening. That was my last night out!
Looking forward to getting out again eventually.
Best regards
Kate Dodson